Thursday, November 15, 2007

Posting My Thoughts Is Not My Forte

Sitting on the back porch of my, oh wait I don't have a back porch.

Standing outside on the deck of my second story apartment I can see the leaves are bright yellow. The color is similar to the sun which has failed to make an appearance today. The rain drizzles on, occasionally thickening to sleet. I like icee drinks. I hate it when God dumps them on my head. Just kidding, God. But really, I hate it.

Tonight the band practices again. I wrote new songs to rehearse. We'll see how that goes. I better come up with some more specific musical ideas. Coming up with them on the spot isn't really anybody's forte. What does it mean to say something is your forte anyway?

forte1 [fawrt, fohrt or, for 1, fawr-tey] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun
1.a strong point, as of a person; that in which one excels: I don't know what her forte is, but it's not music.
2.the stronger part of a sword blade, between the middle and the hilt (opposed to foible).

So there you go. Apparently not related to the musical term with the little angled line above the "e."

What astonishingly interesting information that is. What a lame first post. What a good time to go to class and think about how I'd rather not be alive than go to class. By the way, I think there's a big difference between wishing you were dead and wishing you weren't alive to be doing what you have to be doing at a particular time. The latter implies that you would like to be alive and doing something else. I'm that one.

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