Friday, August 29, 2008

wine never begs for company

and that's got everything to do with misspelling
and nothing to do with alcohol

don't take sides
don't stay neutral
don't stick around

Thursday, August 28, 2008

i have comments
this is otherworldly

well, i hope you don't come to expect anything
today was just another
damn day

i fixed a few things
from yesterday

i laid some traps
for tomorrow

i'm not the first guy
to get a rise
from deception

there's a whole cabinet and a congress and whatnot
of guys like me
and they're paid by the guys
like me
and like me
they're slaves to the

i need a job

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

times like this i feel like drinking
not to feel drunk
i hate that

i feel like drinking
because the drink's a killer
and i feel like killing
and i feel like dying

alcohol destroys a man
and i want to be a destroyer
and i want to be destroyed
i hope nobody reading this
mistakes these words
for poetry

i don't fancy myself a poet
or anything
like that

but i guess
the fact that i
am announcing this
to nobody
(only i read this, and only once per post)
is proof
that i have considered
the fact
that i could be confused
as trying
to be poetic

what a waste that would be
i have traveled through time
and found that most of it
was a waste

like most of my days

a waste of time

until she comes home

and then i just blow it
i wish i could look at the opportunity of tomorrow
and see opportunity
instead of sorrow.

oh god,
for something to look forward to.

the church is shrinking
and i should be happy
but all i do is wonder
where will all the mongoloids go
when they're not being watched
with holy eyes.

probably come to my house.

you probably couldn't tell the difference.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

i hate yelling adults
kids are fine

but no division
between in or out
makes me
a parent
or less devoted adult
raising their voice

even in emergencies
your voice is too small
to do good.
sitting on the porch
in the late afternoon
did i waste this day?

i accomplished
some things
i guess

no, definitely
i got a lot done

i just took steps
in some ways.

to be so close
to completing
this task
makes me mad
with isolation

i wonder
as i sit on my porch
in the early evening
i wonder
does she think about me
at times like this?
does she imagine it will
all be back to normal
the way that i do
when she's the one?

but that's not quite right

because i'm not the one today
and neither is she

god, i feel like such a big disappointment

haven't felt so disappointing
since getting caught
flipping off
kids in the park
at eight years old.

that's when you deserve

now i just wish i could stay
long enough
to figure out what's going on.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

today is my birthday
i'm freezing a wart
i'm going swimming at a reservoir
i tried to eat waffles
i was out of syrup
i mixed some songs
i took a shower
i had some sex

happy day in indiana
at 22