Friday, February 22, 2008

Don't Have My Phone

Hey Babe,

I don't have my phone on me today, and I don't have time to run home and get it, so I won't get to talk to you till after 3:00. This is what I would say if I could call you right now:

I am so bummed. I dozed off twice during theory this morning, but I just got done practicing and I feel pretty good about my lesson. I'm very confused about the Socrates/Plato text we're analyzing in philosophy. It's brilliant, I've figured out that much, but it's basically a conversation between two guys, so the structure is hard to find. Anyway, I hope you're not feeling too tired today. Hope you're still up for going out with Cassie and whoever tonight.

I love you.
I've Seen This Happen In Other People's Lives
And Now It's Happening In Mine

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