Thursday, March 27, 2008

Margot at the Wedding

Just finished Margot at the Wedding. Similar to the feeling I had after I finished The Squid and the Whale, I am frustrated that I took no notes. And I realize that if I'd taken notes I would have been frustrated that I hadn't just enjoyed the movie. These films really fall like a tree on the fence that divides comedic entertainment and uncomfortable revelation. There's so much to take in. It's really no wonder that Margot has such a low IMDB rating. Who would go to the movies and leave happy after they were subjected to such appallingly accurate representations of family? There's little to say about the films themselves, except to recollect what has been seen. You can't comment; the commentary is the entire film.

Man, what I would give to be able to capture so many lives with a piece of art. I feel like I am, in some way, a part of every character. My wife says, "Why does this guy make movies about my family?" The mental struggles portrayed are so lifelike that they make you really want to take notes so that you can recognize and avoid their perils in your own life. Or they make you want to go into complete denial. After all, nobody I know is as extremely messed up as the assholes on TV right?


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