Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New Keyboard Amp

Yeah, so I got one of these today. It's a Peavey KB 3 (click the pic to find out more.) It has three inputs for a vocal mic, keyboards, whatever. A massive 12" speaker with a tweeter. I almost bought one a couple years ago when I was first starting out with my old band, Rococo. Instead we went with a Roland KC-150. Never regretted it, seriously, that baby rocks. But we need another amp to run the drum machine through, and this is it.

Funny thing is, although these usually go for $300, I snagged it for $50. My brother-in-law Rob, who lives below me, had a friend bring it over and try and sell it to him. Doesn't use it anymore, or never did. So anyways, they're tough to sell online due to weight and dimensions
(weight packed=60 lbs.) and he wanted cash instead of an amp. Happy to oblige.

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